11 December 2006

Legacy OUTER JOINs (*=, =*)

Maybe you've seen the *= and =* LEFT and RIGHT OUTER JOIN operators floating around third party data access code or even (gasp!) Microsoft system generated code. I've never used them but, I have seen them lurking around, on occasion. Although these operators have been valid and supported in SQL Server, they are going away for SQL 2005.

For backwards compatibility, they will still work in databases with a compatibility level = 80 but, for databases with compatibility level = 90, they no longer work. Not that this is very exciting but, to play around with these JOIN operators, we'll need a couple tables:

CREATE TABLE tbl_tst1 (
tst1_pk int NOT NULL identity(1, 1),

CREATE TABLE tbl_tst2 (
int not null identity(1, 1),

tst2_data varchar(50));

We'll also need to load them up with a bit of data:

INSERT tbl_tst1 VALUES ('tst1_data01');
INSERT tbl_tst1 VALUES ('tst1_data02');
tbl_tst1 VALUES ('tst1_data03');
tbl_tst1 VALUES ('tst1_data04');
tbl_tst1 VALUES ('tst1_data05');

INSERT tbl_tst2 VALUES (1, 'tst2_data01');
tbl_tst2 VALUES (1, 'tst2_data05');
tbl_tst2 VALUES (2, 'tst2_data01');
tbl_tst2 VALUES (2, 'tst2_data05');

Now, that we have a bit of useless data, we'll want to select all rows from tbl_tst1 and, any rows from tbl_tst2 that have tst2_data = 'tst2_data05' AND that match our rows from tbl_tst1:

SELECT * FROM tbl_tst1 AS one, tbl_tst2 AS two
WHERE one.tst1_pk *= two.tst1_pk
two.tst2_data = 'tst2_data05';

Assuming your compatibility level = 90, the first thing you'll probably notice when you run this query is that you get an error:

Msg 4147, Level 15, State 1, Line 28

The query uses non-ANSI outer join operators ("*=" or "=*"). To run this query without modification, please set the compatibility level for current database to 80 or lower, using stored procedure sp_dbcmptlevel. It is strongly recommended to rewrite the query using ANSI outer join operators (LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN). In the future versions of SQL Server, non-ANSI join operators will not be supported even in backward-compatibility modes.

Since that is highly inconvenient for our sample code (and for that 3rd party monitoring application you just installed), we'll need to put our database into compatibility level 80:

EXEC dbo.sp_dbcmptlevel @dbname=N'db_name', @new_cmptlevel=80;

Now, we get the five rows from tst_tbl1 we were expecting. I was thinking of beating this dead horse with a =* RIGHT OUTER JOIN but, we all get the point. Let's get rid of the carcass:

DROP TABLE tbl_tst1;
DROP TABLE tbl_tst2;

And, since we don't wan't our 3rd party monitoring tool cluttering up our shiny new SQL Server 2005 database with legacy JOINs, let's shut the door on them:

EXEC dbo.sp_dbcmptlevel @dbname=N'db_name', @new_cmptlevel=90;

Since these OUTER JOIN operators have been deprecated, you can count on them to not work in some future version of SQL Server, regardless of whether you have set your compatibility level below 90. Now, if we could only get rid of the legacy INNER JOIN syntax...

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